'Ó÷¨£º '1¡¢°ÑµçÄÔÃû¸³¸øÒ»¸ö±äÁ¿£ºMyComputerName=GetDNName '2¡¢°ÑIP¸³¸øÒ»¸ö±äÁ¿£ºMyComputerIP=GetDNIP Public Const WSADESCRIPTION_LEN = 256 Public Const WSASYS_STATUS_LEN = 128 Public Type HOSTENT h_name As Long h_aliases As Long h_addrtype As Integer h_length As Integer h_addr_list As Long End Type Public Type WSADATA wVersion As Long wHighVersion As Long szDescription(0 To WSADESCRIPTION_LEN) As Byte szSystemStatus(0 To WSASYS_STATUS_LEN) As Byte iMaxSockets As Long iMaxUdpDg As Long lpVendorInfo As Long End Type Public Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ (ByVal wVersionRequested As Long, _ lpWSAData As WSADATA) As Long Public Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ () As Integer Public Declare Function WSAIsBlocking Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ () As Boolean Public Declare Function WSACancelBlockingCall Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ () As Integer Public Declare Function GetHostName Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ Alias "gethostname" (ByVal name As _ String, ByVal namelen As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ (ByVal name As String) As Long Public Const wVersionRequired = &H101; Public Const wMajorVersion = wVersionRequired \ &H100; And &HFF;& Public Const wMinorVersion = wVersionRequired And &HFF;&
Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (pDest As Any, _ ByVal pSource As Any, _ ByVal dwLength As Long) Dim LoByte As Byte Dim HiByte As Byte Dim WSData As WSADATA Public Sub SocketClose() Dim iReturn As Integer If WSAIsBlocking Then WSACancelBlockingCall End If iReturn = WSACleanup() If iReturn <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then MsgBox "Windows Sockets " & CStr(LoByte) & "." & _ CStr(HiByte) & " can not be closed" End If End Sub Public Function SocketStartup() As Integer Dim iReturn As Integer iReturn = WSAStartup(wVersionRequired, WSData) If iReturn <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then MsgBox "Windows Socket can not be started.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly SocketStartup = iReturn Exit Function End If HiByte = (WSData.wVersion And &HFF00;&) \ (&H100;) LoByte = WSData.wVersion And &HFF;& If LoByte < wMajorVersion Or _ (LoByte = wMajorVersion And _ HiByte < wMinorVersion) Then MsgBox "Sockets version " & CStr(LoByte) & "." & CStr(HiByte) _ & " is not supported.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly SocketStartup = -1 Exit Function End If SocketStartup = iReturn End Function Public Function ResolveHostName() As String Dim HostName As String Dim dwLength As Integer dwLength = 256 ' ½¨Á¢HostName×Ö·û´®buffer HostName = String(dwLength, Chr(0)) ' ´«»Ø±¾µØÖ÷»úµÄÃû³Æ(host name) GetHostName HostName, Len(HostName) ResolveHostName = Left(HostName, (Len(HostName) - 1)) End Function Public Function ResolveIP() As String Dim HostName As String Dim dwLength As Integer Dim RemoteHost As Long Dim lHostEnt As HOSTENT Dim InAddress As Long Dim IPv4(0 To 3) As Byte dwLength = 256 ' ½¨Á¢HostName×Ö·û´®buffer HostName = String(dwLength, Chr(0)) ' ´«»Ø±¾µØÖ÷»úµÄÃû³Æ(host name) GetHostName HostName, Len(HostName) RemoteHost = gethostbyname(Trim(HostName)) If RemoteHost = 0 Then ResolveIP = "" Exit Function Else MoveMemory lHostEnt, RemoteHost, LenB(lHostEnt) If lHostEnt.h_addr_list <> 0 Then MoveMemory InAddress, lHostEnt.h_addr_list, lHostEnt.h_length i = 0 Do While InAddress <> 0 MoveMemory IPv4(i), InAddress, lHostEnt.h_length lHostEnt.h_addr_list = lHostEnt.h_addr_list + _ lHostEnt.h_length MoveMemory InAddress, lHostEnt.h_addr_list, _ lHostEnt.h_length i = i + 1 Loop ' ´«»ØIPV4ÀàÐ͵ÄÖ÷»úIP address ResolveIP = IPv4(0) & "." & IPv4(1) & "." & IPv4(2) & "." & IPv4(3) Else ResolveIP = "" End If End If End Function Public Function GetDNName() Dim StartupStatus As Integer StartupStatus = SocketStartup() If (StartupStatus <> ERROR_SUCCESS) Then MsgBox "Windows Sockets " & CStr(LoByte) & "." & CStr(HiByte) & " is not available." Else GetDNName = ResolveHostName
SocketClose End If End Function Public Function GetDNIp() Dim StartupStatus As Integer
StartupStatus = SocketStartup() If (StartupStatus <> ERROR_SUCCESS) Then MsgBox "Windows Sockets " & CStr(LoByte) & "." & CStr(HiByte) & " is not available." Else GetDNIp = ResolveIP SocketClose End If End Function
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